Are you a business owner in need of some good company, a humble smile, and great advice? As a prospering or established business owner, there are many ways to assist your business. The overall health and growth of your business are of the utmost importance. Have you considered creating or joining a business group in your area? Years ago, my uncle and I started our group. We called it “5 Minutes” At the time, the group consisted of myself and my uncle. We would meet via telephone. He would call me, or I would call him. We would discuss pending or upcoming decisions about our respective businesses. Sometimes we would introduce a new business asset that one of us found. It was during those conversations that I birthed my most memorable business ventures.
I know you have that one great idea that your business must-have, but… Let’s face it! Not all ideas should garner the company logo. One of the best choices you can make for yourself and your business is to surround yourself with honest opinions. Please understand me. I did not say, haters. Constructive Criticism is defined as helpful advice intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions. I encourage you to seek and join a Business group actively.
Although we titled ours “5 minutes”, the meetings lasted around 1-3 hours. They were very informative and business-oriented. Today, I have branched out and created my own “5 Minutes”. Below are some tips for making yours…
A group of intellectual small business owners to come together in a safe, judgment-free zone.
The purpose of the group is to create a culture of constructive Criticism. In this group, you will bounce some of your great ideas off of some knowledgeable people.
Group Members
Ideally, the group would consist of no more than 5-6 other business owners. It doesn’t matter if the business is for profit or not; make sure that you will be conversing with business minds.
Before the meeting, set the tone for the sessions to come. Make sure that every member is aware that respect is the number one rule of the group. It’s okay to have a difference of opinion; however, remember to be respectful. Only one person should speak at a time.
Ask each member to send agenda items at least one week before the meeting. I would suggest sticking to the agenda and opening up the last 20 minutes of the meeting for free thought.